Roots and Wings is a musical project created by Jay Leeming to practice the joy of singing aloud with others. Inspired by the poetry of Rumi and Hafez, by Hindustani vocal music, by European part singing and the Hindu kirtan, the goal of the group is not to work at singing "correctly" but to create a space in which participants feel comfortable enough to explore new musical possibilities. No previous singing experience is required, and no sheet music is used. Please join us!
7:30-9:00 PM, Tuesdays throughout the Fall of 2019
Unitarian Church Annex
208 East Buffalo Street, 2nd floor, Ithaca, NY
7:30-9:00 PM, Tuesdays throughout the Fall of 2019
Unitarian Church Annex
208 East Buffalo Street, 2nd floor, Ithaca, NY
To get in touch or for more information, please send an email to [email protected].