Grimm's Fairy Tales Gilgamesh The Odyssey
Greek Myths Arthurian Tales
Greek Myths Arthurian Tales
The Crane Bag is a podcast that explores myths and stories from around the world, bringing these stories alive through guitar, drum, and the magic of the spoken word.
Support the Art of Storytelling!The Crane Bag Storytelling Archive is a library of over 30 hours of myths and stories from around the world including The Odyssey, Gilgamesh, The Arabian Nights, Nart Sagas, Arthurian tales, Norse myths, Sufi wisdom stories and much more. A donation of as little as $5 a month provides Patreon supporters with full access to this archive as well as to poetry, films, and interviews. To find out more, please click on the link above. Donations to the podcast are also greatly appreciated, and help to share the magic and power of storytelling with others. They nourish the storytelling animal grazing on long grass just over the hill beneath the watermelon moon. |
If you are a member of the podcast, access to the the Crane Bag Storytelling Archive as well as to poetry readings and interviews are available here: