the norse mythological cycle
Photo: Vilhelm Gunnarsson (detail)
Episode 57: The Norse Creation Myth
How did the world begin? In this episode we plunge into the darkness at the start of all things, finding there an ice-giant, a cow and an eternal tree in whose branches many worlds are suspended.
Note: Some events in this story might be disturbing to those under fifteen years of age. |
Episode 58: Freya and the Wall of Asgard
Safety or love: which do you prefer? In this episode we explore a story that seems at first to be a simple tale of divine engineering and fear, but ultimately proves to be a schooling in the limitless power of love to re-imagine the world while simultaneously giving birth to (what else?) an eight-legged horse. |
Episode 67: The Theft of Sif's Hair
Desire is the red thread that runs through the universe, and when the trickster god Loki steals the golden hair of Sif, the wife of Thor, he unleashes the rowdy desires of all the gods for power, magic, and beauty. A rumination on what we want and what we will do to get it, inspired by a Norse myth alive to all the clanky desires of the human heart and of the gods.
Episode 48: Odin and the Well of Wisdom Re-visited
Do we see with our eyes alone, or with the mind? In this episode we return to the story of Odin and the Well of Wisdom, exploring it as a means to understand both inner and outer vision with special guest optometrist and vision therapist Dr. Larry Wallace.
Photo by Kazuend on Unsplash
Episode 44: Odin and the Well of Wisdom
Where do we come from, and where do we go? Would any of us give up our sense of sight for a look into worlds within? In this episode we explore the Norse myth of Odin and the Well of Wisdom, both through the story itself and through an interview with the scholar of Indo-European culture Erick James Dodge.
Photo: Valeriy Poltorak